How do i permanently block ads on google chrome?

To prevent sites from showing you intrusive or misleading ads by changing your settings, open Chrome. Announcements, select the option you want as the default setting.

How do i permanently block ads on google chrome?

To prevent sites from showing you intrusive or misleading ads by changing your settings, open Chrome. Announcements, select the option you want as the default setting. Like other browsers, Chrome is prone to displaying annoying ads or pop-ups; many of the ads come from Google and are published through its ad networks. Make sure you only install apps that you trust to block ads on websites with Google Chrome, as they can have access to your personal data while you're browsing the Web. Congratulations, this is another way to successfully block ads from being displayed in the Chrome browser.

Of all the ads shown in Chrome, pop-up ads are by far the most annoying, and dealing with them will give you a much cleaner browser experience. That said, you can definitely block ads in Google Chrome and enjoy a smoother and less annoying experience in the browser. Either way, your browsing experience will be much cleaner and smoother after you've blocked all these unwanted pop-up ads from showing up all the time.